2020: A Year Unlike Any Other In Recent Memory

FEATURING ARUN GUPTA – Ah 2020, what a year it has been. Who could have predicted at the start of the year when the U.S. Senate was acquitting President Donald Trump of impeachment charges, or even when the Super Tuesday primary elections took place that we were on the verge of a major global pandemic that would lead to widespread shutdowns?

President Trump, who looked like he may win reelection on the strength of a stable economy and low official unemployment, saw his pathway to four more years derailed. His supporters railed against Black Lives Matter, refused to wear masks, insisted that the virus was a hoax, refused to believe Trump lost, and are now claiming that newly developed vaccines are dangerous.

Today, as President elect Joe Biden puts together a diverse cabinet that may or may not actually enact progressive change, we’ll survey the past year.

Arun Gupta is an investigative journalist who has written for the Washington Post, The Nation, Raw Story, The Intercept, The Guardian, and Jacobin. He is also a regular news correspondent for Rising Up With Sonali.