Does the US-Taliban Plan Really Mean Peace?

FEATURING MATTHEW HOH – The US has just signed a deal with the Afghan Taliban in Doha, Qatar, culminating years of peace talks in the first step toward drawing down the longest official war the US has ever fought. Last year just as a deal was about to be signed, President Donald Trump backed out at the last minute saying that the Taliban needed to draw down the violence before being entrusted with a US deal.

On Saturday, when US Special Representative Zalmay Khalilzad signed the deal with a Taliban leader, it was after an agreed-upon 1 week of lower levels of violence.

The deal is supposed to lead to a withdrawal of US troops form the country within 14 months. But will it really lead to an end of the war? Or for that matter peace?

Matthew Hoh, member of the advisory boards of Expose Facts, Veterans For Peace, and World Beyond War. In 2009 he resigned his position with the State Department in Afghanistan in protest of the escalation of the war there by the Obama administration.