A Healthcare Provider’s View of the Covid-19 Pandemic

FEATURING DR. SRIRAM SHAMASUNDER – The nation’s hospitals are bracing for the impact of the coronavirus as the pandemic spreads across the states and the numbers of infections and deaths rise. But a scramble for available tests, hospital beds, and even basic medical supplies has confounded healthcare providers in the world’s richest  nation.

President Donald Trump has offered little to no assurance, instead spewing lies about testing and lashing out at reporters simply for asking questions. On Friday, he stunned the nation with an exchange that many characterized as a “meltdown.”

We now turn to a physician who has a frontline view of the coronavirus crisis.

Dr. Sriram Shamasunder, Associate Professor of Medicine at UCSF, and co-founder and faculty director of the HEAL Initiative, a health workforce strengthening fellowship working in Navajo Nation and 7 countries around the world.