A Progress 2025 Vision for LGBTQ Rights

FEATURING DR. JENN JACKSON - The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 offers a clear vision for what a future conservative presidential administration is likely to do in office. On LGBTQ rights, specifically, Project 2025 remains consistent with  authoritarian, Christian nationalist, and white supremacist objectives. It aims to criminalize the existence of LGBTQ people—through regressive legislation that targets freedom of expression, health care policies that deny access to medically necessary care (especially for transgender people), and a culture of repression, intolerance, and hatred for those deemed “different.” 

The Heritage Foundation has a long history and deep financial ties to the Christian right, which has spent decades whipping up anti-gay and trans panic, fighting tooth and nail to reject—and then overturn—marriage equality, and falsely equating gay (and now trans) people with sexual predators, despite the fact that trans people, in particular, are much more likely to be the victim of sexual violence than the perpetrator. 

What would a progressive vision for LGBTQ rights look like? As part of YES! Media’s Progress 2025 initiative, we hope to answer that question in a conversation with Dr. Jenn Jackson.