A Progress 2025 Vision for Reproductive Justice

FEATURING RENEE BRACEY SHERMAN - Donald Trump has promised women voters that if he is president once more, they won’t “be thinking about abortion” because, “You will be protected, and I will be your protector.” Trump has also reminded voters that he appointed three anti-abortion Supreme Court justices who helped decimate the federal constitutional right to an abortion.

The extremist Heritage Foundation, which hopes for a Trump presidency, in its Project 2025 seeks to make access to abortion and reproductive care even more restrictive. It envisions a nationwide abortion ban—including ending access to emergency abortion care and contraception—and restricted access to assisted reproduction technologies like IVF, in addition to “fetal personhood” policies that criminalize the termination of a pregnancy and prioritize the “life” of a not-yet-viable fetus over the life and rights of the pregnant person. 

Project 2025 proposes removing the word “abortion” from every “federal rule, agency regulation, contract, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists,” and instead would fund the proliferation of misleading, religiously based “crisis pregnancy centers” that peddle dangerous misinformation and anti-abortion dogma to pregnant people. 

What would a progressive vision of reproductive justice look like instead? As part of YES! Magazine’s new initiative, Progress 2025, we explore that question with Renee Bracey Sherman.