Afghanistan Hit With Deadly Attacks Amid Eid Ceasefire

FEATURING KATHY KELLY – Only days into an “unconditional” ceasefire between the Afghan government and the Taliban, the war-torn nation of Afghanistan was hit with a string of deadly coordinated attacks on June 11th that left 33 people dead. The ceasefire was meant to coincide with Eid celebrations that mark the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and was supported by the head of the US and NATO forces, Gen. John Nicholson.

A meeting of prominent Afghan clerics gathered in a “peace tent” had issued a “Fatwa” against suicide bombings. But the attacks on Monday included a suicide bombing in Kabul near the entrance to the tent that killed 14.

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Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence. She has traveled to Afghanistan many times and worked closely with the Afghan Peace Volunteers. Her new piece in The Progressive published June 5 is called Afghans, Parched for Water, March for Peace.