After a Decade on City Council, What’s Next for Seattle’s Sawant?

FEATURING KSHAMA SAWANT - Seattle’s world renowned city council member and socialist firebrand Kshama Sawant announced early this year that she would not be seeking reelection. After a decade as an elected official, Sawant has moved on to launch her own worker-led organization Workers Strike Back, and started a new podcast called On Strike.

While on the city council, Sawant changed expectations for elected officials, refusing to bow down to financial and political pressures that most of her colleagues accepted, inviting loud and proud protests on issues of labor rights, fair wages, housing and rent, racial justice, caste discrimination, and much more. She was a thorn in the side of the establishment, faced and beat back recall efforts, and has been an ally to progressive causes inside the halls of power. 

She joined us for an in-depth look back at her achievements as an elected official and her hopes for her new ventures.