American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear

FEATURING KHALED A. BEYDOUN – The US Supreme Court is expected to make a decision on Donald Trump’s Muslim ban version 3.0 any day now. The court will decide whether or not to consider Trump’s public statements on his overtly anti-Muslim justifications for the ban.

Trump’s ban is just the latest in a series of Islamophobic government policies that go back to even before the September 11th attacks.

A new book by an academic studying anti-Muslim hate and bias for years, traces the history of Islamophobia in the US.

For information about the book

*This segment was originally broadcast on June 14, 2018.

Khaled A. Beydoun, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, and Senior Affiliated Faculty at the University of California-Berkeley Islamophobia Research and Docmentation Project. His new book is called American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear.