America’s Healthcare System is on the Verge of Collapse

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FEATURING DR. PAUL SONG – With more than ten million Americans filing for unemployment benefits in March, the critical question arises – how will they get health insurance during this time of a pandemic when they may need it the most but have the fewest resources? Because the US largely relies on employer-provided health insurance our model of health care is particularly vulnerable to the crisis we are now facing.

Add to that the fact that the health insurance industry is set to sharply increase its premium prices, and that thousands of healthcare workers are facing layoffs and furloughs as routine patients visits drop off, and we are witnessing a system on the verge of collapse.

Paul Song, a board-certified radiation oncologist. He is co-chair of the Campaign for a Healthy California, and is on the board of Physicians for a National Health Program. Paul is also the Healthcare Correspondent for Rising Up With Sonali.