Billionaire Trump Embraces Wall Street Elite

FEATURING BART NAYLOR – President elect Donald Trump and his Vice President, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, made an appearance on Thursday at a Carrier plant in Indianapolis to announce their deal to keep jobs from moving to Mexico. Mr. Trump had specifically promised workers at the air conditioning factory that he would stop their employer from shutting down the plant and laying off about 2000 workers. Critics are denouncing the deal, which will save under 1000 jobs, as sending a signal to other corporations that they can win government concessions simply by threatening to move factories overseas.

Meanwhile, Trump has continued to name his cabinet picks, with former Goldman Sachs partner and millionaire Steven Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary, and billionaire investor Wilbur Ross Jr. as Commerce Secretary. Trump appears to be ignoring his own campaign denouncements of Hillary Clinton’s ties to Wall Street elites. Concerns about conflicts of interest between his business dealings and Presidential duties also abound.

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Bart Naylor, financial policy advocate with Public Citizen’s Congress Watch Division.