Blood and Money: War, Slavery, and the State

FEATURING DAVID MCNALLY – “Money can’t buy happiness,” say those of us who often have a lot of it. Today wealth inequality in the US and beyond has left an ever-widening gap between the haves and have-nots and while we take the concept of money for granted, its origins are steeped in violence and violations.

In a groundbreaking new book author David McNally explores the history of money and shows how the idea that it came about simply as a way for members of a community to exchange goods and services is a myth.

David McNally, the Cullen Distinguished Professor of History and Business at the University of Houston and the Director of the Center for the Study of Capitalism. He is the author of numerous books including Global Slump, Monsters of the Market. His latest book is Blood and Money: War, Slavery, and the State.