Both Parties Help Trump Boost War Spending

FEATURING KHURY PETERSEN-SMITH – The Democratic Party has been at serious odds with President Donald Trump – except when it comes to military spending. Earlier this month a majority of Democrats in the House and the Senate joined their Republican colleagues voting for a massive $716 billion military spending bill. The vote was rushed through and handed Trump a major victory.

Trump had asked for an increase to the already-bloated military budget in January. He faced almost no opposition in Congress. Despite the fact that US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and elsewhere have caused untold death, destruction, and an unprecedented refugee crisis, the US military continues to expand even as other social programs are chronically under-funded.

Read Khury’s latest article ‘Given What the U.S. Has Done to the World, It Should Be Letting All Refugees In’, HERE.

Khury Petersen-Smith, Middle East Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies.

This story originally aired on 08/08/2018