Did the Wayfair Walkout Make a Difference?

FEATURING SAIRA RAO – A massive walkout of workers with the online furniture retailer Wayfair made headlines last month. Under the banner of Wayfair Walkout, hundreds of employees marched to protest the company’s contract with immigration authorities to provide beds and other furniture to detention centers.

But Wayfair is acting as though it has weathered the storm, announcing a Black Friday sale in July. Now, activists are discussing the possibility of a boycott.

Saira Rao has written about the responsibility of the South Asian American community to hold CEO accountable. Niraj Shah, Wayfair’s co-founder is a first generation Indian American.

Read Rao’s article ‘Wayfair’s CEO, Niraj Shah, is one of us. We must hold him accountable,’ HERE.

Saira Rao, former congressional candidate and co-founder of In This Together Media, Race2Dinner and Healing from Hate. Her forthcoming memoir, is called Broken News.