Documentary Tells Fascinating Story of the Humble Seed

FEATURING TAGGART SIEGEL AND JON BETZ – When we hear about species extinction, it is usually in connection with animals. But did you know that our plants are also rapidly becoming extinct? Where there were once hundreds of varieties of a vegetables like cabbage, there are now only a handful. The majority of industrial agriculture today depends on a shrinking number of seed varieties.

To combat this terrifying trend, seed preservers around the world are desperately working to save and store as many varieties of plants as possible before they are wiped out.

Exploring the rich history entirely underestimated power of seeds, is a new film simply called Seed: The Untold Story.

‘SEED: The Untold Story’ opens in NYC Sept. 23, in LA Sept 30. Find more about the movie at

Taggart Siegel and Jon Betz, Co-Directors of Seed: The Untold Story.