Drilling Into The Origins of Climate Denialism

FEATURING AMY WESTERVELT – A terrifying new study about Greenland’s ice sheet has found that the rate of melting is four times greater than it was 16 years ago. If all of Greenland’s ice sheet melts – a clear result of global warming – it will mean a 23 foot rise in sea levels, submerging Florida’s southern tip.

The good news is that a record number of Americans now believe human-caused global warming is a thing. A Yale University poll found that 72% of Americans acknowledge the reality of climate change – a large swing from previous years. Perhaps it is because the evidence is all around us from wildfires in California to deadly hurricanes multiple times a year.

But what if this collective realization has come too late? We have lost precious decades due to inaction fueled by well-funded efforts to deny climate change. Today we’ll examine who has led those efforts and why.

Read Amy Westervelt’s Washington Post’s article HERE.

Amy Westervelt, audio and print reporter covering climate and gender. Her podcast Drilled is about the creation and spread of climate denial and her first book “Forget ‘Having It All'” was published by Seal Press in November 2018.

**This interview was originally broadcast on January 24, 2019.