Echoes of Katrina: Hundreds of Thousands Impacted by Louisiana Flooding

FEATURING TRACIE WASHINGTON – Massive flooding in Louisiana last week has left 13 people dead and tens of thousands dealing with returning to what’s left of their homes after being evacuated. More than 100,000 people are slated to receive federal aid. The floods are starkly reminiscent of Hurricane Katrina eleven years ago.

Gov. John Bel Edwards had declared a state of emergency in what is being seen as the worst natural disaster in the US since Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast in 2012.

Meanwhile GOP nominee Donald Trump used the flooding as a photo-op, traveling to the flood ravaged state with his running mate Mike Pence and donating supplies. Right wing media have chastised President Obama for playing golf at Martha’s Vineyard instead of visiting the state.

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Tracie Washington, Co-director of the Louisiana Justice Institute.