Election: How Did This Happen?

FEATURING JANINE WEDEL – Democrats and progressives woke up on the morning after the general election shocked and dismayed at seeing Donald Trump be elected President. While his rival Hillary Clinton claimed a popular vote win of about 180,000 more votes overall, Trump managed to flip several states that had gone for Obama in 2008 and 2012 and win more than 270 electoral college votes. Trump won especially big among white voters without a college degree.

At the beginning of election night, media were predicting a win for Clinton ranging from a close victory to a comfortable margin. Very quickly however, that began to change dramatically.

Breaking with tradition, Secretary Clinton waited until Wednesday morning to give her concession speech rather than late on election night.

Janine Wedel, University Professor at the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University, and Global Policy Chair at the University of Bath, UK, and a Fellow at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. She has written a book called Unaccountable: How the Establishment Corrupted Our Finances, Freedom, and Politics and Created an Outsider Class.