European Commission Demands Apple Pay Ireland Back for Billions in Back Taxes

FEATURING CLARK GASCOIGNE – For years multi-national corporations have taken advantage of tax havens in order to maximize profits. That sense of entitlement has received a huge reality check this week with the European Commission’s bombshell decision to demand that the Apple corporation pay a whopping $14.5 billion dollars in back taxes to Ireland, a popular tax haven.

Ireland has positioned itself as one of the Europe’s most lucrative locations to do business. Apple has an office in Cork, Ireland where it employs 6,000 people. The Irish government has decided to refuse the taxes that the EC says Apple owes.

Meanwhile Apple has issued a defiant response in the form of an open letter to customers calling itself a, “responsible corporate citizen” and being “confident that the Commission’s order will be reversed.”

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Clark Gascoigne, Deputy Executive Director, The FACT Coalition.