Extracting Profit: Imperialism, Neoliberalism, and the New Scramble for Africa

FEATURING LEE WENGRAF – [** UPDATE: As of the morning of Tuesday March 13, Tillerson was reported fired by President Donald Trump and replaced by CIA Director Mike Pompeo]. Rex Tillerson took his very first tour of Africa, visiting 6 different nations over a few days. He cut short his trip by half a day however, amid conflicting reports about his ill health and pressing matters in Washington. Tillerson, the former Exxon-Mobil CEO with zero political experience, had to conduct his African tour soon after President Donald Trump is reported to have made disparaging and racist remarks against African countries.

More than a year into the Trump Administration there is still no clear approach to US policy in Africa and many are concerned about China’s reach into the resource-rich continent.

Now, a new book explores the history of Africa’s development analyzing Western imperialism and economic pillaging, which continues through today.

Lee Wengraf, writer and activist in New York City. Her articles have appeared in International Socialist Review, Socialist Worker, Review of African Political Economy, and more. Her new book is ‘Extracting Profit: Imperialism, Neoliberalism, and the New Scramble for Africa.’