Fed Govt Bows Down to #NODAPL; Water Protectors Claim Partial Victory

FEATURING TARA HOUSKA – Activists engaged in stopping the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline are claiming a temporary victory after the US Justice Department and Army Corps of Engineers announced they would halt the controversial project on Friday. Indigenous communities led by the Standing Rock Sioux tribe have been occupying an area near the Cannon Ball River in North Dakota since April and their actions have now garnered international attention.

There are solidarity protests taking place in cities all over the US under the banner of #NODAPL. Meanwhile, many are demanding justice for the recent attacks by security guards and their dogs at the pipeline site, caught on video and photos. North Dakota has issued arrest warrants for Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, and journalist and Democracy Now host Amy Goodman.

Find more at www.honorearth.org.

Tara Houska, National Campaigns Director of Honor the Earth, an attorney based in DC, and a former Native American advisor to the Bernie Sanders campaign.