Florida Recount Battle Heats Up As GOP Cries ‘Election Theft’

FEATURING ANDREA CRISTINA MERCADO – Although the midterm elections have been over for more than a week, in Florida the races for Governor and Senator continue with a historic contentious recount battle. The difference in votes between Ron DeSantis and Andrew Gillum for Governor and between Rick Scott and Bill Nelson for Senator, are so close that they triggered automatic recounts. But because the initial vote counts were in favor of the Republican candidates, President Donald Trump is rattled over the possibility of Democrats winning the seats via the recount.

Trump and his Republican colleagues have been tweeting and giving interviews claiming without evidence that Democrats are trying to “steal the election,” even though it is their efforts that amount to potential election theft. Trump supporters have been protesting in front of the Broward County election supervisor Brenda Snipes’ office chanting “Lock Her Up.”

Governor Rick Scott, who has a serious conflict of interest in counting votes for his Senate race, has launched 5 lawsuits against County election officials. Voting rights groups are now suing him. And the state Democratic Party has called on his recusal. The races that began with highly charged political campaigns now continue toward a tense finish whose outcome remains unknown.

For more information visit www.newfloridamajority.org.

Andrea Cristina Mercado, Executive Director of New Florida Majority. She co-founded the National Domestic Workers Alliance where she was the Director of Campaigns for five years.