From Burkini Bans to Muslim Killings: Islamophobia Goes Global

FEATURING ZAHRA BILLOO – A violent killing in Tulsa, Oklahoma, of a Lebanese American man is being labeled a hate crime. Thirty seven-year old Khalid Jabara was gunned down by his white neighbor, a man named Stanley Vernon Majors, who had harassed his Arab neighbors for years and referred to them as “filthy Lebanese.” The killing came just days after an Imam and his assistant were fatally shot in Queens, New York in an incident that members of the Muslim community see as linked to Donald Trump’s Islamophobic hate speech.

In France, Islamophobia has also reared its head once again – this time in the form of a bizarre ban on bathing suits worn by Muslim women, a fashionable invention called the “burkini.” Several French towns have banned the full-body suits that invoke the look of a scuba diving suit but for some reason are seen as threatening to French values of secularism.

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Zahra Billoo, community organizer, civil rights lawyer, and Director of CAIR-San Francisco.