Grassroots Activist Runs for Local Office In Down-ticket Race

FEATURING ANA URZÚA ALCARAZ – Just about a week left before the November 8th election, all eyes are on who will occupy the White House. But, there are innumerable down-ticket races on local ballots that are also worthy of attention. Many contend that we have no good choices for president. But change often comes from the bottom up. Today we’ll turn to a grassroots activist in a slowly gentrifying city in Southern California who has decided to run for her local city council and inspired her community.

Ana Urzua Alcaraz is running for Santa Ana City Council’s Ward 3 in Orange County, California. She is a long-time grassroots activist working on issues of public health and gentrification.

For information about Ana’s candidacy, visit

Ana Urzúa Alcaraz, candidate for Santa Ana City Council’s Ward 3.