Greg Palast’s New Film Says Election Could in Fact be Rigged

FEATURING GREG PALAST – As GOP nominee Donald Trump sees his poll numbers slide, he maintains that if he loses, it’s not because the American people rejected him, it’s because the election itself was rigged. Trump has said that a million dead voters will cast ballots against him. But election experts have countered saying it is virtually impossible to rig an American election.

But investigative journalist, author and filmmaker Greg Palast is worried that the election could indeed be stolen but not by Democrats. In a new film called The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Palast follows the sordid trail of a controversial program to uncover voter-fraud called Interstate Crosscheck.

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Greg Palast, New York Times-bestselling author and a freelance journalist for the BBC as well as the British newspaper The Guardian. His new documentary is called The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: A Tale of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, which is the same title as his book.