House Intelligence Committee Takes Aim at Trump

FEATURING CRAIG HOLMAN – The House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday voted to send a number of witness transcripts from its own investigation into Russia-related election wrongdoing to the Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The committee, which is now headed by Democrat Adam Schiff of California, hopes Mr. Mueller will be able to prosecute instances of perjury among some of President Donald Trump’s current and former colleagues that have come under the investigation’s crosshairs.

Meanwhile the same Committee launched a new probe into Trump’s foreign business deals to determine if the President’s decisions on Russia might have been influenced by his desire for personal financial gain. Trump took great umbrage at the announcement, lashing out at Schiff and calling him a, “political hack.” Trump has claimed that no other president has ever faced such scrutiny. Of course, there has been no other President with as many conflicts of interest as Trump.

Craig Holman, Government Affairs Lobbyist for Public Citizen.