House Passes Formal Impeachment Resolution

FEATURING MITCH JESERICH – The House on Thursday passed, along almost strictly partisan lines, the first resolution formalizing an impeachment procedure. The bill outlines the way in which transcripts of the closed-door testimonies would be made public, what rights the minority party would have, as well as how the Trump White House could access information and witnesses. White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham slammed the move as, “a sham impeachment” and “a blatantly partisan attempt to destroy the president.”

On the same day, former White House National Security Advisor Tim Morrison testified to House Committees. And just days earlier, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who is the top Ukraine adviser at the White House, testified confirming the story that is emerging of how Trump used his position to elicit political dirt using US military aid to Ukraine as leverage.

Mitch Jeserich, is the Capitol Hill Correspondent for Rising Up With Sonali, covering the impeachment inquiry. He’s a veteran journalist on DC politics and a Pacifica reporter, host of Letters and Politics heard on KPFA and KPFK.