How Does the GOP’s Version of Health Reform Differ From Obamacare?

FEATURING PAUL SONG – Republicans have finally unveiled their version of healthcare reform, after years of denouncing the Affordable Care Act and making its repeal the centerpiece of their platform.

Lawmakers on Monday revealed the American Health Care Act, which is not exactly a repeal of the ACA, or Obamacare as it’s known. Rather it is an attempt to tweak the law in line with the party’s vision. While keeping provisions involving children remaining on their parents’ plans, and pre-existing conditions, the GOP plan does away with the government mandate for purchasing insurance among other things.

However, several factions within the GOP are already making their opposition to the new bill known.

Paul Song, a board-certified radiation oncologist. He is on the board of Physicians for a National Health Program, and People for the American Way. Paul is also the Healthcare Correspondent for Rising Up With Sonali.