How Fracking Impacts The Most Vulnerable Among Us

FEATURING ELIZABETH RIDLINGTON – A new report by Environment America Research and Policy Center on the fracking is just the latest in a mounting pile of documentation that points to the dangers of the industry. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing as a means to extract oil and gas has boomed in recent years in the US. The rise in fracking operations have drawn broad condemnation from communities whose land, air, and water are impacted by fracking operations.

But what about the most vulnerable among us who don’t always have a voice? Environment America’s report, Dangerous and Close finds that there are far too many childcare centers, schools, hospitals, and nursing homes that lie within a one-mile radius of fracking operations.

Click HERE to read the full report, or visit for more information.

Elizabeth Ridlington, author of the report ‘Dangerous and Close’, published by Environment America Research and Policy Center.