How Michigan’s Charter School Experiment Is A Warning To Us All

FEATURING KEVIN KUMASHIRO – A major New York Times investigation into Michigan’s experiment with charter schools has confirmed what many critics of Education Secretary Betsy Devos already knew – that the rise in charter schools in the state has coincided with an overall sharp drop in academic progress.

The Times piece, entitled, “Michigan Gambled on Charter Schools. Its Children Lost,” says, “even many charter proponents are troubled by the Michigan model that DeVos had such a crucial role in creating.” The state’s charter schools are poorly regulated and have led to a loss in funding and enrollment for traditional public schools.

What does that mean for the nation as a whole with a major proponent of charter schools in charge?

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Kevin Kumashiro, former dean of the School of Education at the University of San Francisco, a leading expert on educational policy, school reform, teacher preparation, and educational equity and social justice and the education correspondent for Rising Up With Sonali.