How (Not) To Raise Children With Progressive Values

FEATURING STEVE EARLY – It is said that parenting is the hardest job in the world. Just raising kids to be well-balanced, well-functioning, independent individuals is hard enough. But what about teaching children your values? Progressive parents want to see their own values of compassion, empathy, collectivism, anti-racism, and so on, passed on to their children.

But if there’s one thing children can be, it’s rebellious. Often pushy parents can turn their kids off of what they espouse. Examples abound of children choosing the opposite paths that their parents hoped for them.

So how do we instill a social conscience in our kids without it backfiring?

Read Steve Early’s article ‘Room To Grow’, HERE and visit his website at

Steve Early, journalist, lawyer, labor organizer and union representative. His writing has appeared in The Nation, the Boston Globe, the New York Times, Washington Post, Los AngelesTimes, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, and USA Today. He is the author of several books including Save Our Unions: Dispatches from a Movement in Distress. His latest book is called Refinery Town: Big Oil, Big Money, and the Remaking of an American City.