How One California Neighborhood Is Taking Bold Action Against Gentrification

FEATURING DIANA SANDOVAL – A recent article in the Guardian newspaper caught my attention for its hilarious and yet powerful headline: “‘Hope everyone pukes on your artisanal treats’: fighting gentrification, LA-style.” The write-up documented a bold pushback against gentrification by activists in the Latino-dominated Los Angeles neighborhood of Boyle Heights. The group in question is called Serve the People Los Angeles and its creative tactics include intimidating real estate developers until they leave the area.

Merriam-Webster defines ‘gentrification’ as “the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that often displaces poorer residents.”

Gentrification is happening in cities all around the US, in New York, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, and of course Los Angeles, where we broadcast from.

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Diana Sandoval, volunteers with Serve the People Los Angeles (STPLA) Boyle Heights, and started the STPLA program in Echo Park.