How Trump Is Launching a Stealth Attack on Medicare

FEATURING WENDELL POTTER – President Trump recently signed an executive order on Medicare that was cast as a counter to the proposed Medicare-for-All Act of 2019 but was in fact was a stealthy attempt at weakening the existing Medicare program that seniors rely on. Promoting “market-based pricing” Trump announced his plan at a raucous political-style rally in Florida amid signs that read, “Great Healthcare for you.” He triumphantly signed his order surrounded by smiling seniors. But what exactly has Trump proposed?

Wendell Potter, author and journalist who spent more than two decades in the health insurance industry, at Humana and Cigna. He became a whistleblower in 2008 when he left Cigna and wrote the tell-all book Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans. Since then he also wrote Obamacare: What’s In It for Me/What Everyone Needs to Know about the Affordable Care Act; and Nation on the Take: How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy and What We Can Do About It.