How Trump Uses Language to Manipulate the Nation

FEATURING GEORGE LAKOFF – A majority of Americans are experiencing shock, anger, and disgust at the way in which our new President’s first week in office has unfolded. The lies and hypocrisy, the fixation on crowd sizes, the war with the media, and the diplomatic disaster with Mexico, have us cringing in collective shame. But, in a report from a small town in Michigan, the Guardian newspaper reported that Trump’s popularity among his core supporters was still strong and that many of them did not consider his first week a disaster.

How does Trump do it?

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George Lakoff, Professor of the Graduate School In Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of California at Berkeley, Director of Center for the Neural Mind & Society. He has written several books including Don’t Think of An Elephant, which was just republished, Moral Politics, and The Political Mind.