Indian Film ‘Parched’ Takes on Patriarchy and Poverty

FEATURING LEENA YADAV – The Indian film industry is the largest and most prolific in the world. But most films emerging from Bollywood focus purely on entertainment. Now, writer and director Leena Yadav has a new film out called Parched which takes on social issues in a thought provoking, and yet engaging way.

Set in a fictitious Indian village that has just begun accessing modern technology, Parched features four very different women who find themselves frustrated with their circumstances, most of which involve being oppressed by patriarchal traditions.

Yadav weaves into the film the issues of domestic violence, motherhood, prostitution, and women’s education while maintaining a sense of humor and a yearning for life in the interactions between the women. Parched will be released in the US on DVD and Video on Demand on August 9th.

PARCHED will be released via Wolfe Video on August 9th on DVD and Video on Demand, across all digital platforms including iTunes, Vimeo On Demand.

Leena Yadav, writer, producer, and director of Parched.