Inequality and Racism are this Election’s Central Issues

FEATURING SONALI KOLHATKAR – Unprecedented amounts of money have flowed into the 2018 midterm elections, and voters are being bombarded with TV commercials and mailers that use misleading and fear-based language. President Donald Trump, and the Republicans in particular, are sending a strong message to Americans that the economy has never been better, and that the GOP will protect us from all the “other” people looking to take away our rights and earnings: immigrants, LGBTQ Americans, Muslims, Black Lives Matter activists and more.

But if one clears away the confusing barrage of messages, there is one narrative that has the strongest bearing on reality, and that is that most Americans are financially struggling to stay afloat—people of color more so than whites—and corporate elites are laughing all the way to the bank as politicians blame vulnerable communities for the ills facing whites.

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