Is Facebook Thwarting Democracy and Can it Be Stopped?

FEATURING TIM KARR – Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is under fire for meeting recently with conservative political figures in private including Fox News’ Tucker Carlsen and right wing radio shock jock Hugh Hewitt. In the face of pushback under the hashtag #DeleteFacebook, Zuckerberg defended the meetings saying he meets with people from across the political spectrum.

Meanwhile, Democratic Presidential frontrunner Elizabeth Warren has been in a feud with Zuckerberg over his platform promoting and profiting off of fake news and violent content. Warren recently launched a series of provocative ads on Facebook taking on the issue.

Read Karr’s article ‘Can Anyone Stope Facebook from Poisoning Democracy,’ HERE.

Tim Karr, Senior Director of Strategy and Communications at Free Press.

** This segment was originally broadcast on October 16, 2019.