Is The Nunes Memo Much Ado About Nothing?

FEATURING STEPHEN SPAULDING – President Donald Trump on Monday morning belittled a top Democratic Congressman on Twitter saying, “Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington.” Schiff is the highest ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee which is investigating Trump’s possible collusion with Russian officials during the last election. The committee investigation is happening in concert with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

The public and highly juvenile sounding rebuke comes on the heels of a deeply politicized release of the so-called Nunes Memo last week. Congressman Devin Nunes who Trump hailed as having “tremendous courage and grit,” and who heads the House Intelligence Committee authored the 4-page memo looking into possibly political motivations of the Justice Department and the FBI in their investigation of the Trump campaign.

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Stephen Spaulding, Chief of Strategy and External Affairs for Common Cause.