Larry Tye Discusses His New Book on Bobby Kennedy – EXTENDED INTERVIEW

FEATURING LARRY TYE – Although this year’s election seems like the most chaotic and unpredictable one in recent memory, there have been times in the past when election campaigns elicited shock and upended tradition. Think back to 1968 when Robert F. Kennedy, known affectionately to most Americans as “Bobby Kennedy,” was assassinated while campaigning for a presidential nomination during a speech at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

Kennedy was beloved particularly by liberals for his strongly pro-civil rights and antiwar views. But some conservatives also count him as a hero because of his lesser known political origins when he started out working for the rabidly anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy.

A new biography of Bobby Kennedy attempts to present an nuanced view of the liberal icon.

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Larry Tye, award winning journalist at the Boston Globe, and a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University. His earlier books included the New York Times bestseller Satchel, as well as The Father of Spin, Home Lands, and Rising From the Rails. His new book is called Bobby Kennedy: The Making of a Liberal Icon.