Leaked Trade Documents Reveal Lesser-Known, Equally Dangerous Deal

FEATURING FAIZA OULAHSEN – You’ve heard of the TPP, the Trans Pacific Partnership which President Obama and candidate Clinton are pin favor of. And maybe you’ve heard of the TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the US and EU. These two secret trade deals have been the focus of intense protests from labor, environmental and other groups because they privilege corporate rights over human rights.

But many of us have not heard of TISA, the Trade In Services Agreement, another secret trade deal between the US, EU and dozens of other nations which covers services like banking, healthcare, and transportation. TISA, like its fellow agreements TPP and TTIP, is just as dangerous according to Greenpeace.

Greenpeace Netherlands recently published an analysis of a leaked set of documents covering TISA and what they determined was that this secret trade deal is just as dangerous as TPP And TTIP and imperils in particular the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.

Read the documents at www.ttip-leaks.org, or visit www.greenpeace.org.

Faiza Oulahsen, Climate & Energy Campaigner with Greenpeace.