Lopez Obrador Sweeps To Victory in Mexico

FEATURING ROBERTO FLORES – Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is the new President elect of Mexico. Voters handed Obrador, or AMLO as he is called, a landslide victory, which came as no surprise after months of polling that showed he would win. He is the first left-leaning President to lead the country in decades and Mexicans, tired of corruption and violence, are hopeful today.

Winning 54% of the vote in a field with 3 other major party candidates, AMLO has a broad mandate to reshape the country. His election spells bad news for the Trump administration who he has vowed to protect Mexicans against.

Roberto Flores, Professor of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, long-time Chicano activist based in Los Angeles, and founder of East Side Café, a space in El Sereno that was in part inspired by the Zapatistas.