Louisianans Arrested For Protesting Offshore Drilling

FEATURING ANNE ROLFES – Despite historic levels of flooding in Louisiana that killed over a dozen people and forced hundreds of thousands out of their homes, the US government’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management decided to go ahead and auction off leases to millions of acres of Gulf Coast waters for offshore drilling.

Activists attempted to attend the auction and four people holding a banner saying “More Drilling = More Flooding” were arrested. The lease auction came as President Obama toured flood-stricken areas of Louisiana.

Meanwhile a new report released by the Center for Biological Diversity this week denounces offshore drilling. It’s called Critical Gulf: The Vital Importance of Ending New Fossil Fuel Leases in the Gulf of Mexico.

Find more at www.labucketbrigade.org and nonewleases.org.

Anne Rolfes, Founding Director of the Louisiana Bucket Brigade.