Maine Voters Mull Question 5 On ‘Ranked Choice Voting’

FEATURING KYLE BAILEY – It has always been difficult to motivate Americans to participate in elections. Voter turnout, even in general election races, tends to be on the low side, for a variety of reasons. One of them is apathy. Many feel their votes don’t count, particularly in a winner-take-all system.

On November 8th, Maine voters will decide on a state-wide ballot measure on whether to completely change their method of voting. “Question 5” asks voters to choose “ranked choice voting” over the current system. Currently a simple plurality of votes results in an election win. Ranked choice voting is touted as favorable for third-party and independent candidates who are often seen as “spoilers” in two-party races.

The ranked choice voting question is backed by a grassroots coalition of activists who have been holding “beer elections” to demonstrate how the method of voting would work and to drum up support for Question 5.

Find more about this ballot measure at

Kyle Bailey, Campaign Manager of Committee for Ranked Choice Voting.