Mara Keisling on Anti-Transgender Bills – EXTENDED INTERVIEW

FEATURING MARA KEISLING – The state of Kansas has become the latest flashpoint in the battle over bathroom rights nationwide. A bill being considered by the state legislature would require that people could only use restrooms in public schools and universities that aligned with their biological sex at birth. Furthermore, if students caught a transgender person in a prohibited bathroom they could sue their school for $2,500. Advocates for transgender rights are calling it a “bounty to hunt for transpeople in bathrooms.”

Earlier we covered a broad-ranging bill in North Carolina that was passed and signed into law. It appears as though conservatives around the country are using a state-by-state approach to chip away at the rights of people, much in the way they have done for other issues such as gay marriage and abortion.

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NOTE: Watch the Extended version of this interview, available only to our subscribers, or to rent or buy.

Mara Keisling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality.