Midterm Elections 2018: Can Progressives Claim Victory?

FEATURING ARUN GUPTA – Voters showed up in full force on Tuesday to vote in midterm races, breaking decades-long records. One hundred and fourteen million people cast ballots for House races, turning over control of the House to Democrats. In comparison 83 million voted in 2014.

There has been much talk of a divided nation and indeed turnout was high among both ends of the political spectrum. What will Democrats do with their new-found power in the House? How will Republicans move from what was in some ways a referendum on the President? How will the nation recover from the racist and nationalist war that is emerging?

Arun Gupta is a regular news correspondent for Rising Up With Sonali. He’s an investigative journalist who has written for dozens of publications including the Washington Post, the Guardian, The Nation, Salon, and Raw Story. He is also author of the forthcoming book, “Bacon as a Weapon of Mass Destruction.”