New Evidence Of GOP’s Racist and Partisan Motives on Census

FEATURING DAN VICUÑA – In just a few weeks the US Supreme Court is expected to rule in the case of Department of Commerce Vs. New York – a critical case over adding a question of citizenship to the 2020 US Census. The Trump administration and Republican Party have pushed hard on the idea of collecting information of the citizenship status of US residents.

But critics have long countered that it will lead to fear among undocumented people who will in turn fail to fill out the form, be undercounted, and therefore have their home states be underrepresented in Congress. Now, a smoking gun has emerged to solidify that counter-argument to the census question.

In a case around gerrymandering, a long-time Republican operative named Thomas Hofeller – now deceased – was found to have suggested the idea of counting citizens in order to boost the voting power of whites and therefore to benefit the Republican Party.

Dan Vicuña, National Redistricting Manager at Common Cause.