New Report On Bees Finds Pesticide Companies Thwarting Protection

FEATURING TIFFANY FINCK-HAYNES – Anyone who has been paying attention to the plight of bees knows that our planet’s most important food pollinators have been in trouble for a while. Massive bee die-offs were a mystery for years until studies found that a class of pesticides called neonicotinoids was to blame. Identifying the source of the bee deaths should have been the end of the problem, right? But, not when corporate power wields undue influence over our government.

Now, a new report by Friends of the Earth has found that, “the pesticide industry has weakened and delayed pesticide reforms and is shaping new pollinator ‘protection’ plans nationwide that do little to protect bees, but a lot to protect industry profits.”

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Tiffany Finck-Haynes, food futures campaigner with Friends of the Earth and co-author of the report Buzz Kill: How the Pesticide Industry is Clipping the Wings of Bee Protection Efforts Across the U.S.