New Zealand Sets Example After Terrorist Attack on Mosques

FEATURING MARIA ARMOUDIAN – It has been just over 10 days since the horrific attacks against mosques in Christ Church, New Zealand that resulted in 50 deaths. The world stood horrified at the carnage that a Donald Trump-loving white supremacist wreaked on the normally safe city. Unlike the US, gun violence is not very common in New Zealand. But in an increasingly globalized world where messages of violence and hate travel at lightning speed on the internet, the Christ Church attack hit close to home.

How New Zealanders reacted, and especially how their leaders responded to the violence stood in stark contrast to the US. Rather than offer meaningless, “thoughts and prayers,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern donned a hijab and showed up in the midst of the Muslim Community and mourned with them. Leaders moved immediately to ban all assault rifles. Non-Muslims surrounded mosques, offering their protection at prayer time.

Maria Armoudian, hosts a radio show on KPFK called Scholar’s Circle, Senior lecturer at The University of Auckland, author of two books, Kill the Messenger: The Media’s Role in the Fate of the World, and, Reporting from the Danger Zone.