Private Military Contractor Wants An ‘American Viceroy’ in Afghanistan

FEATURING SEAN MCFATE – Erik Prince, the notorious founder of the military contractor formerly known as Blackwater is making the rounds of media outlets to push the Trump administration into changing US policy in Afghanistan. Mr. Prince, whose foreign mercenary corporation is now called Academi, and who now chairs a Chinese owned company called Frontier Services Group, has repeatedly promoted the idea of an “American Viceroy” in Afghanistan to address the US’s failing war.

The war in Afghanistan is the longest official war that the US has waged in another country. It has become a sinkhole for American tax dollars and only resulted in greater instability and violence.

Prince’s Blackwater was under scrutiny ten years ago when its employees were convicted of killing 17 Iraqi civilians in Nisour Square, Baghdad. Last week a federal appeals court threw out prison sentences for 3 of those convicted and ordered a new trial for a fourth.

Sean McFate, senior fellow at The Atlantic Council and Professor at the National Defense University and Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. He is also the author of a new novel called Deep Black that centers on a military contractor.