#SayHerName: Recognizing the Humanity of Black Women and Girls Killed in Police Custody

FEATURING DEVAN CHEAVES – San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr resigned on Thursday morning, in what many police accountability activists are calling a major victory. The resignation came just hours after an SFPD police shooting of a 27-year old pregnant black woman.

Suhr’s resignation coincided with a national day of action for #SayHerName, a social media tag that challenges American society to recognize the humanity of black women and girls, particularly those killed by police or those who have died in police custody.

In Florida, where Trayvon Martin’s killing sparked a nationwide outcry into violence against young black people in particular, the group Dream Defenders have been organizing for years. They have been keeping the names of Ashaunti Butler, LaNiya Miller and Dominique Battle on their lips.

For more information on the Bay Area Dream Defenders visit www.facebook.com/BADDSquaDD, Twitter: @BayAreaDDOD and Instagram: @BayArea_DDOD.

Devan Cheaves, Communications and Culture Coordinator with the Bay Area Dream Defenders.