Shocking New Report Finds Corporations Rival Countries in Wealth

FEATURING AISHA DODWELL – A new and disturbing report that highlights the growing power of corporations globally has found that an increasing number of the top economies in the world are corporate. The UK-based group Global Justice Now found that out of the top 100 economies, 69 are corporate entities. That’s up from 63 a year ago.

Walmart is the world’s richest corporation, wealthier than Spain or Australia. The report also found that the world’s top ten richest corporations are wealthier than the poorest 180 countries globally.

The fact that corporations are amassing so much wealth that their economic power now outweighs state power is a frightening prospect. What does that mean for human rights and liberties?

Visit and sign the petition HERE.

Aisha Dodwell, Campaigner at Global Justice Now.